Stambaugh Aviation is one of the largest independent Commercial Jet Maintenance, Repair, Modification,
Overhaul and Aircraft Storage service providers in the United States.
Stambaugh Aviation** was originally founded in 1969 by Mark Stambaugh, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, under
the original name of Stambaugh's Air Service, Inc.
The company, although started as a one-man shop, went on to become a prime contractor for the United States
Navy and held many standard depot level maintenance contracts (SDLM) Beechcraft T-34B, Rockwell T2 Buckeye,
Douglas TA-4, and the Saberliner T-39. With the large scale multiple contracts it became necessary to open a second
facility to keep pace. In 1986, the Brunswick, Georgia facility was constructed and opened in 1987.
In the early 90's, with the slowdown of the military contract work, the company changed focus to the growing commercial
market. With the change to civilian work, both facilities were successfully performing heavy maintenance for a multitude
of airlines, leasing companies and private owners on a wide varity of airframes and engines.
In 2003, the companies were consolidated as Stambaugh Aviation to the more advantageous location of Brunswick,
Georgia. By expanding the southern facility and consolidating the companies, Stambaugh Aviation is able to provide
higher quality service at a greater level of efficiency.